Additional payments


Be prepared that you will need to make additional payments each month along with the rent.

Parking, if you need it. In Seattle, prices range from $100 to $300 per month for a single parking space.

Internet. From $35 to $80 to $90 per month, depending on the provider. Ask the staff at the complex which provider is best. It will not always be the most expensive.

Utilities. We pay about $110 a month for water for two people (Seattle).

The light bill comes every three months for about $120. In the winter, the bill goes up because you have to heat the apartment, the concept of central heating is not here (on the West Coast, at least). Dry hot air comes into the room from the vent in the wall.

Garbage collection is $10-$15 a month.

Pets. You will also need to pay for them. First, a deposit of $200-350 per month at move-in. He, too, return, but a full refund is not too much, because be sure to stick to something when you leave, that your pet is spoiled, scratched, broken, etc.. You will also have to pay $35-50 per month for each pet.